Written by Tony Northrup

With so many big blockbusters taking over the movie theaters, I like to take the time for the smaller films that the entertainment world has to offer us. Films like Independent Films, Short Films, and Stephen King “Dollar Baby” Film Program are all very entertaining and just as important as any other big screen film. I, myself, find the up-and-coming filmmakers or smaller film directors still have that love and passion and desire for cinema, it shows through their work on the screen.
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Written by Tony Northrup

It’s been debated many times,” which era is considered the best in the horror film genre?” The trend in the 1970′s seemed to focus on films that portrayed demonic possession, people were mesmerized by this. The current focus seems to be the paranormal activity type films that began to surface in the early 2000′s. However for the majority of die-hard horror film fans, it’s still the “Slasher” films of the 1980′s that seem to compel us again and again.
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Written by Josh Darling

The clip slides into the base of the gun, you then bull back on the lever and now it’s ready to shoot. This is how you should prepare yourself when you sit down to watch Rampage: Capital Punishment. The movie is an emotional assault weapon. And to write this review, I honestly had to rip myself open to write this review Rampage: Capital Punishment has me a bit choked up, it cuts close the bone.
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Written by Josh Darling

Life doesn’t have many pillages in it. There is the occasional moment where some bitch cuts you off in traffic and then you get speed up to her car and yell “Your Mother is a cunt” to her 4 kids sitting the back of the car while giving the family the finger. Beyond that there’s cheating on your taxes and every now and then you get something very special dropped into your lap.
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Written by Tony Northrup

Stephen King‘s first film was based on his book, Carrie back in the 1970′s, from there he has had over 50 films adapted from his works ranging from feature films, television mini-series, television shows, plays, and “Dollar Baby” short films. The torch, so to speak, seems to be passing along to one of his sons, Joe Hill (who starred in King’s film, Creepshow).
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Written by Tony Northrup

With the exception of the “reboot” of Carrie in 2013, there hasn’t been a theater release of a Stephen King film since 2007′s The Mist. There have been some straight-to-dvd releases and some that have played on television, but this is the first otherwise.
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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

We’ve already talked here about Super Mario Bros blu-ray release on November 3rd. Now it’s time to watch the official trailer, waiting for the blu-ray!
Written by Giulio De Gaetano

Egypt: the land of the Pharaohs, a place steeped in history and legend. But those who come in search of riches beware, something lurks among those tombs, something that cracks bones and spills blood, something that will stop at nothing to guard what belongs to them. Day of the Mummy starring Danny Glover rises onto DVD on 20 October 2014 from Image Entertainment.
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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

Everyone’s favourite plumbers Mario and Luigi’s live action big screen adventure Super Mario Bros gets its long-awaited first ever UK Blu-ray release thanks to Second Sight. With an all-star cast, including the legendary Bob Hoskins alongside John Leguizamo and Dennis Hopper, this madcap caper gets the high-def treatment on Blu-ray and is also released on DVD complete with a slew of fantastic bonus features on 3 November 2014.
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Written by Josh Darling

Film should really be considered by its entire experience, by this I mean first how the film was marketed to you. Did a friend tell you about it or did you see the movie poster and say “I want to see that!” Then there is the how you saw it, did you watch it on your ipad (shame on you if you did) or did you see it in a downtown theater with a leaky roof? And finally there is the film as the core experience of seeing the movie.
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