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Posted February 17th, 2016.

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WHITE ZOMBIE – Victor Halperin

They are not men monsieur, they are dead bodies.” This is going to be so hard for me to write about a great Lugosi film and nor write 9000 words on Lugosi the MAN … It’s stunning to me how overlooked this brilliant gem of a film is.

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Posted July 6th, 2014.

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When a trailer can give you the chills, you know it’s gonna be good! Once again I saw this in a packed theater a summer of many years ago and I was just getting into the “Horror Genre” of films. With a world full of Slasher films, it was nice to get scared the old fashioned way; a damn good ghost story.

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Posted July 5th, 2012.

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FRIDAY THE 13TH – Retrospect

Different times during the course of the year, certain events happen that reminds of us certain films. For example, Christmas we think of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, Halloween we think of John Carpenter’s ‘Halloween’, and so on, but when it comes to that rare date during the course of the year, Friday the 13th we think of only one horror film franchise of the same name. For over 30 years, Jason Voorhees has been haunting us on that date and in our nightmares for a long time.

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Posted April 13th, 2012.

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BOYZ ‘N THE HOOD – John Singleton

In California in the early 90′s, it was a very..different time. We had just gotten out of the ”Greed” Decade known as the 80′s and the trend’s & styles of that time were “so last decade”, but the new trends were still in limbo. The whole Grudge movement was just about to get blow us away, but there ws something else going on at that time.

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Posted December 9th, 2011.

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I’ve seen a lot of films in my day..a lot of films! and over that period of time, you see some real bad films…i mean, really bad! I use to think that howard the duck was the worst film of all time. then not too long ago, I saw the film, the stuff, which I labeled the worst film of all time for sure! well, my friends, all that has changed..big time! my wife sees this dvd on the discount shelf not too long ago and say’s, “oh i love that film!” so, i pick it up since i had never seen it and trust her on this…bad move on my part! i was unsure if i even wanted to do a review on this film, but dear friends, i have to tell you about the good films not to miss and that includes the bad ones you wanta miss! so, here is my review of one of the weirdest, worst, and just plain? huh? films I’ve ever seen!

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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