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WHITE ZOMBIE – Victor Halperin
“They are not men monsieur, they are dead bodies.” This is going to be so hard for me to write about a great Lugosi film and nor write 9000 words on Lugosi the MAN … It’s stunning to me how overlooked this brilliant gem of a film is.
Posted July 6th, 2014. Add a comment
FRIDAY THE 13TH – Retrospect
Different times during the course of the year, certain events happen that reminds of us certain films. For example, Christmas we think of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, Halloween we think of John Carpenter’s ‘Halloween’, and so on, but when it comes to that rare date during the course of the year, Friday the 13th we think of only one horror film franchise of the same name. For over 30 years, Jason Voorhees has been haunting us on that date and in our nightmares for a long time.