Deep in the eerie forest lies a mysterious entity waiting to defy nature in a beguiling new psychological sci-fi thriller. Exposing its sinister purpose, the deadly alien invasion on humanity is born in The Device, coming to dvd from Image Entertainment on 23 March 2015.
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Posted February 7th, 2015. Add a comment
We’ve already talked here about Super Mario Bros blu-ray release on November 3rd. Now it’s time to watch the official trailer, waiting for the blu-ray!
Posted September 30th, 2014. Add a comment
Egypt: the land of the Pharaohs, a place steeped in history and legend. But those who come in search of riches beware, something lurks among those tombs, something that cracks bones and spills blood, something that will stop at nothing to guard what belongs to them. Day of the Mummy starring Danny Glover rises onto DVD on 20 October 2014 from Image Entertainment.
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Posted September 27th, 2014. Add a comment
Deep in the sinister woods lives an unimaginable terror, that wreaks death and destruction when the moon is full. Out of the darkness comes a new kind of blood lust in Werewolf Rising, coming to DVD from Image Entertainment on 08 September 2014.
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