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I’m guessing this will date me but I’m so old that we didn’t call it anime, we called it japanimation. The term “anime” didn’t make sense to me, japanimation was made up of the two words that describe what we were watching: “Japan” the country where it was from and “animation” what it was. Around 1997/8 someone told me that japanimation wasn’t politically correct… I still don’t get why, nor do I care but what I’m talking about is so old school I can only call it by what it was to me: japanimation.
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Once upon a time, long ago in a decade far, far away … once there was a little boy. A boy who was just a little kid who played with Tinker toys and Matchbox cars and didn’t have a care in the world. Highlights of his day were Sesame Street, chocolate milk, and nap time. Then one day in May of 1977, a film came out that took the world by storm. In the 70′s, scifi took a major turn when the mega blockbuster, Star Wars was released.
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This review is dedicated to those we lost and were touched by the Colorado Movie Theater Tragedy. 7-19-12. This has got to be the hardest review I’ve had to write. Not that it is a difficult film to write about, but because of the tragedy that has gone along with it. However, as a film reviewer, it is my duty to continue bringing the readers the latest in film entertainment and making your movie going experience the best I can. Please stay tuned at the end of this review for a very important message.
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I had only heard about this film when I was watching the Oscar’s this year and it had received many nominations. From the film clips I saw, I knew it would be worth my time just for the fact it was nominated for an Oscar.This film is what they call a “Dramady” (a drama with light comedy to ease the story along). It is an extremely well done film by director Alexander Payne. With a strong cast and serious storylines, The Descendents lived up to its Oscar nominations.
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This is a film that goes back to the hardcore cop films of the 80′s and mostly 90′s. It is raw, hard-core, and very violent. The story takes place in 1999, when the Rampart Division was under major criticism. Woody Harrelson plays David “Date Rape” Brown, an old school, racists, violent, womanizing veteran officer who defends himself against his actions as a tough officer of the law.
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The Help is about a young writer, Skeeter (played by Emma Stone), who just came back to her hometown in 1960′s Mississippi from college. More than anything she wants to be a published writer. As she get’s a small job working for the local newspaper, she feels that she can do more with her life and her talent. After seeing how the African-American Help are treated at one of her friends of high society party’s, she get’s the idea to write a book based on the stories of the Help that cook, clean, take care of white babies, and put up with a lot of racism.
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Welcome to the Dollhouse is not like a regular comedy, it’s a “dark comedy”. It’s also a low budget film & an Independent which I believe is some of the best films out there because they depend on acting, writing, and a vision as say, a big budget-all CGI-3D- big studio release type of film might not be. I saw this film WAY back in 1995, bought the DVD a year ago, & JUST watched it after all this time (hence the new catagory name). It is … different, that’s for sure.
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Posted February 12th, 2012. Add a comment

A body silently floating along a river, the placid life of Mija hurt, inseparable family connections making a hole in the alzheimer veil because of their deep and painful love. Girl’s suicide wafting like a ghost through the Mija’s grandsoon room, a shadow swalling and beating the old woman from the inside. Even in her fake imperturbability.
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Posted January 29th, 2012. Add a comment

Year’s ago way back in the 90′s, on a bright sunny day in Southern California, we lived in the San Fernando Valley. And one day, there were some men who decided to rob one of the biggest banks in the area. This was a huge breaking story and my wife and step-daughter were stuck at a 7-11 right near the bank because they closed off the entire area.
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Posted January 26th, 2012. Add a comment

Ken ritorna nella sua città natale e trova gli amici di infanzia Motori e Rin, videolesa sin dalla nascita, ad accoglierlo. Completa l’album di famiglia Yuki, anche lei improvvisamente tornata in città. Yuki era stata data per dispersa da ormai dieci anni, quando aveva fatto ingresso nella casa degli orrori di Fuji-Q Highland - noto parco dei divertimenti realmente esistente -, e ne era stata fagocitata.
Posted December 8th, 2011. Add a comment