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(Italiano) THE SHOCK LABYRINTH: EXTREME 3D – Takashi Shimizu

Ken ritorna nella sua città natale e trova gli amici di infanzia Motori e Rin, videolesa sin dalla nascita, ad accoglierlo. Completa l’album di famiglia Yuki, anche lei improvvisamente tornata in città. Yuki era stata data per dispersa da ormai dieci anni, quando aveva fatto ingresso nella casa degli orrori di Fuji-Q Highland - noto parco dei divertimenti realmente esistente -, e ne era stata fagocitata.

Posted December 8th, 2011.

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I thought I’d share some thoughts on the most entertaining horror franchise in history! To be honest, I’m not overly excited to see the latest Nightmare film, but if I don’t make it to the theater to see it, you can count on me buying it on DVD. I was burned by the other two franchise remakes (Friday the 13th & Halloween), so I’m not holding my breath on this one. It looks good and it looks like they are putting their own spin on the series, but we’ll see…

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Posted June 18th, 2011.

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