Through the Black Hole
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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

A young woman with a white veil on her face proceeds shuffling between trees and leaves lifted up by the wind, careless of rain flowing down. Pale obscurity doesn’t hide her figure who slowly and relentlessly is coming back home, to the house where she lived with her young husband, before death devours her body.

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SUCCUBUS – Sami Haavisto

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

Henri has been strucken by death of young wife Laura; his desperation changes in obsession when he begins dreaming her woman every night, still wearing her wedding dress. Henri is sure that woman’s presence is more than a simple impalpable spirit, figment of his imagination, and he isn’t able to focus on work and to face everyday with serenity.
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JOE R. LANSDALE – Interview

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

I think that everyone who partecipates in Through the Black Hole knows something about  Joe R. Lansdale, both for the merits gained by work of writer/screenwriter and for great availability. In this article we don’t wanna to delve into his artistic life-path, but to touch problems tormenting the present days: from the homicide/suicide of young boy in Winnenden to economic collapse, from Obama’s election to Berlusconi’s re-electing. A voyage experienced together with a determined and cordial person, a man who built-up clear ideas about todays troubles.

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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

In un angolo del mondo, Astoria, la canicola annienta anime che vagano in cerca di un futuro che sanno di non poter avere. Dito, Antonio, Giuseppe e Nerf si muovono tra la noia delle giornate tutte uguali, spinti dalla violenza, dalla marijuana e dall’istinto sessuale surriscaldato da tre ragazze. Un ghetto macchiato dai graffiti e dalla solitudine, dalla povertà e dal vizio, un punto sulla cartina geografica da cui Dito tenta di sfuggire, specialmente a causa del suo essere incompreso.

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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

To tackle Mihajlo while sipping his cup of coffee and trying to grab him away from it, is surely not one of the best ways to approach him. Especially if the night before you saw the bed just by chance…

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Written by Tony Northrup

I thought I’d share some thoughts on the most entertaining horror franchise in history! To be honest, I’m not overly excited to see the latest Nightmare film, but if I don’t make it to the theater to see it, you can count on me buying it on DVD. I was burned by the other two franchise remakes (Friday the 13th & Halloween), so I’m not holding my breath on this one. It looks good and it looks like they are putting their own spin on the series, but we’ll see…

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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

Andreas Schaap è un giovanissimo regista tedesco sconosciuto in Italia, approdato nei nostri lidi grazie alla black-horror-comedy MUST LOVE DEATH. Questa pellicola, visionata durante il Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival 2009, si è dimostrata un interessante divertissement condito con una buona dose di emoglobina. Il regista, nella seguente intervista realizzata con la partecipazione di Valentina Colli, ci racconta di se e della situazione dell’underground tedesco.

Andreas Schaap è un giovanissimo regista tedesco sconosciuto in Italia, approdato nei nostri lidi grazie alla black-horror-comedy MUST LOVE DEATH. Questa pellicola, visionata durante il Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival 2009, si è dimostrata un interessante divertissement condito con una buona dose di emoglobina. Il regista, nella seguente intervista realizzata con la partecipazione di Valentina Colli, ci racconta di se e della situazione dell’underground tedesco.

Andreas Schaap è un giovanissimo regista tedesco sconosciuto in Italia, approdato nei nostri lidi grazie alla black-horror-comedy MUST LOVE DEATH. Questa pellicola, visionata durante il Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival 2009, si è dimostrata un interessante divertissement condito con una buona dose di emoglobina. Il regista, nella seguente intervista realizzata con la partecipazione di Valentina Colli, ci racconta di se e della situazione dell’underground tedesco.

Andreas Schaap is a german young director still unknown in Italy, he reached our country thanks to the black-horror-comedy MUST LOVE DEATH. This film we saw during Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival 2009, showed itself as an interesting divertissement larded with an haemoglobin injection. Andreas talks about himself and underground situation in Germany, let’s know more about him through these words gathered together with Valentina Colli.

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DRIVE – Nicolas Winding Refn

Written by Tony Northrup

I enjoy taking a break from the blockbusters and sequels and just try something …different. I don’t always make it to the theater during the year so some films have to wait till DVD and they don’t end up on my Best of the Year List, but sometimes waiting is a good thing. And sometimes waiting…is for a reason. I had heard mixed reviews about Drive that I knew I’d wait till DVD. Some critics thought it was a great film and deserved Oscar nom’s, while others felt it was too slow, boring, and confusing. Well, here is what I think about Drive.

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