A primitive is sitting near a fire, inspecting and somehow adoring it. When this natural fire extinguishes, the primitive can’t figure out the reason but he gathers all his strengths to find out another source like this. Naoh, Amoukar and Gaw begin a travel as to understand the power of the fire … and the Quest for fire legend begins.
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It’s that time of year again. Time to stay warm, wish for Spring, and pass the time with a good movie or book. However, there’s something else that happen’s this time of year that is quite the event. I’m talking about … the Oscars! That one night out of the year when we spend hours watching the Academy take note of the films of the past year that deserve that golden statue that is called, Oscar.
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When I grew up in the 1980′s, I was raised on the “John Hughes’ Generation” of teenage films. Films like Sixteen Candles, ‘The Breakfast Club, Weird Science and Pretty in Pink. At times, it actually helped survive high school. Although I don’t think there is just one secret to that part of growing up, but sometimes films help.
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