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There have been many apocalyptic films and television series throughout the years. Some are based upon fantasy, horror, and unimaginable situations that place all those in the path of destruction fleeing for their lives. All are, however, trying to live in the aftermath of what was. It’s amazing how many situations can be brought to life based on end of the world scenarios.

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Posted December 22nd, 2023.

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BONE COLD – Billy Hanson


Filmmaker Billy Hanson has made an impact on us in several ways. He has been a part of the film industry since 2005, directing both short and full-length features, and is the winner of several film awards for his outstanding work. He is also the director behind one of the most popular, most gross, award-winning Stephen King Dollar Baby films, SURVIVOR TYPE. This short film is based on Stephen King’s short story of the same name, which is one of the titles Billy selected from the Dollar Baby short films adaptation program, allowed by Stephen King to be purchased for the amount of…one single dollar!

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Posted July 18th, 2023.

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ALIEN – Ridley Scott


In the 1970’s, science fiction was at the height of its popularity, and some of the most classic films in history were released during that decade. WESTWORLD, PLANT OF THE APES, THX-1138, LOGANS RUN, and SILENT RUNNING, were considered some of the greats. However, it wasn’t until 1977, when a little film called STAR WARS hit the box office , changing the genre completely, taking it in a new direction.

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Posted May 26th, 2019.

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THE DOCTOR’S CASE – James Douglas

doctors case

THE DOCTOR’S CASE, was first published in 1987, in the Centennial Collection of, The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. It was later reprinted in the Stephen King short story collection, NIGHTMARES & DREAMSCAPES, in 1993. The story is narrated by an aged Dr. Watson, who tells the tale of the murder of Lord Hull, which brings the famous Sherlock Holmes out of retirement to solve what just might be his last case.

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Posted August 28th, 2018.

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(Italiano) PAPAYA DEI CARAIBI – Joe D’Amato



Posted October 15th, 2015.

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IT FOLLOWS – David Robert Mitchell

IT FOLLOWS - John Carpenter

I love me some John Carpenter which might seem like I’m about to start pointing the “thief stick” but really I’m not. To talk about It Follows however is impossible to do and NOT mention the very obvious influence of Carpenter, because It Follows is kind of like an abstract version of Halloween except for the soundtrack which very much sounds like experimental electronic music from the 70’s –so that is VERY John Carpenter.

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Posted April 12th, 2015.

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THE DEVICE – Jeremy Berg

The device

The death of their mother is the reason why Rebecca (Kate Alden) and Abby (Angela DiMarco), reunite in their family cabin, an isolated place near a lake. The two sisters decide to gather the ashes of their mother and throw them into the lake, giving peace to her soul, ignoring all warnings their parents told them during the years …

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Posted April 5th, 2015.

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There are films in the horror genre that stand the test of time, FRIDAY THE 13th, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST., HALLOWEEN, JAWS..just to name a few. However, there are some horror films that are considered “cult classics” such as; RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, KILLER KLOWN FROM OUTER SPACE, EVIL DEAD, and MOTEL HELL.

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Posted February 23rd, 2015.

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This is the sequel to the surprise 2013 hit, The Purge. Set in the future of 2023, the government grants the public onenight to purge (all acts of violence is allowed including anarchy, robbery, and even murder) for 12hrs. Once the purge is finished, no crime is aloud. The government feels this purge helps control crime, lowers unemployment, and poverty levels.

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Posted August 8th, 2014.

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VARSITY BLOOD – Jake Helgren

Halloween, we know, is a feast day when all children, kids and adults love to wear a mask and enjoy the night … in different ways. This feast day becomes an excuse for a group of cheerleaders and jocks to gather in a farmhouse and start partying, but someone is looking at them behind an indian warrior mask. And there will be blood.

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Posted August 3rd, 2014.

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