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(Italiano) BLOOD STORY – Matt Reeves

Written by Paolo Corridore

In Blood Story si intrecciano due vite, due vicende interconnesse da un filo rosso sangue. C’è Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) adolescente con i tipici problemi legati alla sua età, su tutti l’eccessiva sensibilità che ancora non riesce a gestire ma soprattutto ad affermare in piazza pubblica, e c’è Abby (Chloe Grace Moretz) sua vicina di casa tanto strana quanto affascinante, di cui egli è innamorato.

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Written by Dottor Satana

William Beaudine era un altro di quei registi capace di dirigere dieci film all’anno, noto come “One Shot” per l’approssimazione delle riprese così come per la velocità con cui confezionava questi prodottini per il mercato dei Drive-In.

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BREAKING NIKKI – Hernan Findling

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

A hole in a grating, unique glimmer to take breath from and try and watch the outside world. This is the destiny Devon brought a woman to … Susan, his ex wife. Nikki steps into Devon’s house, to satisfy a human being’s perversion, and she soon finds herself playing the ex wife’s role wearing her clothes and make up. In a sort of sick mental imprinting Devon tries to transform Nikki into Susan, pointing her out the same fate.

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(Italiano) BLOODLINE – Edo Tavaglini

Written by Luca Ruocco




Written by Giulio De Gaetano

From the director of The Puzzle, comes Davide Melini‘s latest tale of innocence, horror, and forgiveness. Melini has obvious passion for film, art, style, and storytelling, and it is clearly proven here in the very entertaining and artistic story of … The Sweet Hand of the White Rose.

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MONSTERS – Gareth Edwards

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

The “Riding of the Valkyries” resounds through the silence of the night, whistled by a massive soldier riding his battle vehicle. It’s dark, two figures – a man and a woman- wait, until the slashes of the machine guns break the stillness…and huge creatures begin their fight across the sky.

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DISTRICT 9 (Shortmovie) – Neill Blomkamp

Written by Tony Northrup

There have been many, many films about aliens coming to earth to visit or invade our planet. Since the 1950′s, which was a high point in the “aliens have landed” scenerio to the 1980′s with E.T. and in the 1990′s with Independence Day to the recent take on this; District 9. Even though the full length film has already been released, it was a huge success. However, before that it all started with this little short film directed by Neill Blomkamp.

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(Italiano) THE MUSEUM OF WONDERS – Domiziano Cristopharo

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

In a theatre – the Museum of Wonders – freezed inbetween reality and dream, we find ourselves facing a mirror of our lives, through the embodiment of our utmost fears. Witnessing vanity and horror, we laugh, get amazed and disgusted of dwarfs, cripple men, dancers, divas and stars and the other characters pivoted on this place far away from the commonsense discretion. Maybe we wouldn’t laugh out so self-satisfied if we thought just for one second, that those masks, those characters, it’s ourselves in our everyday lives.

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(Italiano) DEATH NOTE – Shusuke Kaneko

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

Improvvisi attacchi cardiaci stanno eliminando diversi criminali sparsi per il mondo. L’entusiasmo della gente inizia a crescere sino a dar vita ad un vero e proprio personaggio, identificato col nome di Kira (dall’assonanza con la parola “killer”), creduto l’artefice di queste morti. La polizia non riesce a venirne a capo e le indagini vengono affidate al misterioso detective L.

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Written by Giulio De Gaetano

In a time paradox Santa produces war games exploiting the usually quiet elfs as if they were blue-collars. Play tanks and guns replace the usually harmless games which by now have bored the kids and a new product line is ready to invade (the market).

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