Through the Black Hole » THE INSANE – David J. Ellison, Mark Cripps

THE INSANE – David J. Ellison, Mark Cripps

Written by Tony Northrup

What if every type of horror killer you’ve ever encountered were to suddenly overcome the world? All the different types; the Masked killer, the chainsaw swinging cannibal, the crazy homeless person, all types. What if you were the only one left to stop them all, what would you do? How would you kill them all? What are they and where do they come from? Most importantly: how do you get rid of the all? To find out, here’s a film for you.

This is a Short Horror film that won Best Short Horror Film Award at Comic-Con 2008. At first, I didn’t see how or why, but by the end …
Directed by David J. Ellison and Mark Cripps, this horror tale will leave you on the edge of your seat. It begins with detective John Vincent (played by James Spofforth), who is chasing a crazy psycho killer down the dark and cold city streets. Apparently, the city has been taken over by crazy psycho killers all over. With their machete’s, chainsaw’s, masks, craziness – it is up to the detective to not just catch them all, but to kill them all before the city loses more of it’s citizens.

During the course of the night, we watch the detective running, chasing and killing these horrible and terrifying images of horror running amok. We find out that his wife and unborn child was murdered by one of these madmen and he is determined to catch them all before it’s too late. However, things take a unexpected turn. Who is the real killer here?

I wasn’t sure if I was really going to like this film. It had elements of films such as Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Motel Hell and the Saw films, but then by the end … one great twist that is worth waiting for. Very well filmed and edge of your seat entertainment.

RANK: 8.5/10

Director: David J. Ellison, Mark Cripp
Cast: James Spofforth
USA, 2008

Posted in Cinema and Shortmovie and Film and Horror and Indie by Tony Northrup on December 8th, 2011 at %I:%M %p.

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