This is the sequel to the surprise 2013 hit, The Purge. Set in the future of 2023, the government grants the public onenight to purge (all acts of violence is allowed including anarchy, robbery, and even murder) for 12hrs. Once the purge is finished, no crime is aloud. The government feels this purge helps control crime, lowers unemployment, and poverty levels.
This sequel, called The purge: Anarchy, revolves around three main storylines: a mother and daughter left in their apartment to defend themselves as their dying relative “sells” himself to the rich to purge on as the money paid is transfered into their bank account, a young couple who has car failure just as the purge is about to begin at sunset, and a mystery man who is on a secret mission to not exactly “purge” but teach a man a lesson who killed his son.
Running around the dark night streets of Los Angeles, will these innocent “non”-purgers survive? To find out I do recommend The purge: Anarchy, but with caution. Although better than the first film with a better plot and action, this film is very violent and not for young viewers. The characters kept my interest and made me want to know how they would end up.