Through the Black Hole » RITES OF BLOOD – Sami Haavisto

RITES OF BLOOD – Sami Haavisto

Written by Giulio De Gaetano
RANK: 7/10

During eighteenth century witch-hunting is reaching its climax, becoming a real fever infecting persecutors aware that blood period is going to an end. East-Europe is sought by cardinal De Ceville, an assassin who haunts out presumed heretics for satiating his will of death. Young Mary participates to a ritual of Satan’s worshippers, offering her own body to complete an ancestral rite with ill-omened result. Point of view changes in a snowy Helsinki, where a vampire hangs about melancholically through the white landscape, searching for her origin.

Best film produced by Blood Ceremony Films, where joins all elements appearing in other film: Desire of the innocent blood and Succubus.Besides splatter-gore stuff, here copious, there’s a good plot and different situations that make film enthralling and overall from beginning to the end. Unlike other films there isn’t a crescendo taking to final splatter scene, but a different parts balance turning location from a flogged Europe of eighteenth century to gloomy Finland of nowadays, following first movement of inquisitor horde then laying down to vampire drama. The choose of voice-over or particular sequences (like when the vampire woman wanders through the snow) tread dark elements of the event, enriching pathos and fascinate of film.

Interesting the scene located in metal pub where a black metal song changes gear, giving rhythm and movement to the action. Trash situations are present too but well done make-up and special effects succeed not to let situation becoming snazzy, except for situations where Sami Haavisto wants to visit an offhanded and clumsy cinema.

Rites of Blood” deserves more than a simple watch ‘cause it’s a gore film that doesn’t limit to gather bloody scenes but develops a plot and issues action on the base of it. Intriguing.

RANK: 7/10
Regista/Director: Sami haavisto
Cast: Mari Koivula, Juha Särestöniemi, Mika Vattulainen, Kirsi Vahomäki, Kai Zakowski

Posted in Horror by Giulio De Gaetano on November 1st, 2011 at %I:%M %p.

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