Through the Black Hole » PARADOX – Jeremy Haccoun

PARADOX – Jeremy Haccoun

Written by Mariangela Celiberti

There is nothing I like better then a good story. However, more then that, a good story with a really good twist at the end and that’s just what you’ll get when you watch Paradox. Paradox is a Short Independent film written & directed by Jeremy Haccoun.

The story begins with two men at the bottom of a cold, wet, quiet, & deep well. They have no idea how or why they got there, but for whatever reason, it is not where they want to die. One of them had been awake waiting quietly for the other to wake up. When the other man finally does, he questions his surroundings & who this other man is in the well with him. The one man speaks of castles & torture, the other speaks of his wife & modern day things.

When one of them see’s broken pieces of metal in the well’s floor, he put’s them together & realizes that it was a bracket that held one of his wife’s plant’s by their well. He then knows that he had fallen in the well in his backyard. However, the other man believes this man has gone completely mad. Finding this bracket and hearing sounds from above, only encourages the man to find a way out of this deep underground prison. So, he begins to climb and climb until he reaches the top. Without spoiling the ending, this is where the twist comes into play & that along with fine performances by both men & sharp directing, I recommend this short tale of suspense & thrills.

Bottomline: Even though it reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode, it kept my interest the whole time because it makes you want to find out just how they got there? Will they get out? And IF they get out, what is waiting for them at top? I think twisted endings are what holds a good story together & that is what you’ll get with Paradox.

SCORE: 8.5/10

Directed and written by: Jeremy Haccoun
Produced by: Jeremy Haccoun
Starring: Simon McLinden, George Tardios
UK, 2006

Posted in Cinema and Shortmovie and Film and Horror and Indie by Mariangela Celiberti on December 8th, 2011 at %I:%M %p.

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