Through the Black Hole » SPIDER-MAN:HOMECOMING – Jon Watts


Written by Tony Northrup
RANK: 8/10

SpiderMan homecoming

This latest superhero film from MARVEL Studios, is still as exciting as the first, and is what’s being termed, you guessed it, a reboot of a reboot. The first Spider-man film was released in 2002, with Tobey Maquire, and two sequels followed in 2004, and 2007.

The reboot franchise followed, and was named, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, featuring Andrew Garfield as the hero (there was only one sequel). Now we have a new Spider-man franchise…SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING…starring actor, Tom Holland as the hero. The events in HOMECOMING, pick right up where the battle of New York, in THE AVENGERS 2, leave off.

Contractor, Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton), is told that he and his crew can no longer continue their work, cleaning up and rebuilding Avengers Tower, where Tony Stark’s damage control team take over. He feels Stark, and people like him, are once again stepping on the little man. He decides it’s time for a change. Eight years later, and after the events of Captain America: Civil War (where Spider-man made his first appearance), Peter Parker aka/Spider-man (Tom Holland), is a 15 year old teen, trying to juggle life as a student, and superhero!

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), recruits Peter as a new member of the Avengers. Peter discovers that someone is building, buying, and selling very dangerous high tech weapons to criminals. Who is this flying menace, and can Peter prove to Tony Stark he has what it takes to be an Avenger? For loads of action, and fun, I highly recommend…SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING.

SpiderMan homecoming

Considering this was yet another “reboot” of a franchise we’ve seen twice before, I wondered if they could once again pull this off. However, when actor Tom Holland, first appears as Spider-man in a cameo role, in the film Captain America: Civil War, he seemed like he had potential. Well, he certainly proved it in this new film. I have coined this film, the “John Hughes of Superhero films”.

This film was like watching a Hughes teen film from the 80′s, and even has some nods to those films! This film was pure fun, lots of laughs, action, and I look forward to its sequel, rumored to be coming soon. Remember, like all MARVEL films, there is an extra scene during, and at the very end of the credits, both worth waiting for.

RANK: 8/10
Regista/Director: Jon Watts
Cast: Tom Holland, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya Coleman, Robert Downey Jr.
Usa 2017

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Posted in Fantasy by Tony Northrup on July 23rd, 2017 at %I:%M %p.

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