Through the Black Hole » AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR – Joe Russo, Anthony Russo

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR – Joe Russo, Anthony Russo

Written by Tony Northrup
RANK: 8.5/10

avengersinfinity war

When we begin talking about the summer blockbuster season, it’s generally in the month of May. However, the folks at Marvel decided to release the new film Avengers: Infinity War a little earlier, in the last full week of April. Could it be that Marvel is just that excited about celebrating their 10th year making films based upon comic book superheroes? If so, they are sure doing it up in style with this mega release, and has it ever been successful so far.

Avengers: Infinity War is the third installment in the franchise after 2012′s The Avengers, and 2015′s Avengers: Age of Ultron. This is Marvel Studios 19th film, and it’s directed by Anthony and Joe Russo. The events in this film take place right after Thor: Ragnarok (the third film in that franchise). This film is bigger in every way than any prior film in Marvel’s history.

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Avengers: Infinity War picks up where we left off with Thor, Hulk, and Loki bringing the survivors of Thor’s planet safely to Earth. When their ship is attacked by Thanos, the most evil and maniacal villain in the galaxy, things begin to go south. Thanos is the villain that ALL superheroes fear. He is evil and cunning, cold and calculating, and highly intelligent. Thanos is on a mission and won’t be stopped. There are 6 infinity stones hidden all across the universe, and thus far they’ve all been protected by our heroes. If Thanos gets his hands on all 6 of the stones, well you can only imagine.

Every superhero in the Marvel Universe unites to keep Thanos from finding these stones. It’s up to our heroes, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Panther, Spider-Man, the Guardians of the Galaxy crew, and many others, to come together and destroy Thanos, and hopefully keep the stones away from him. I won’t spoil it for you by giving any further details, you’ll have to find out for yourselves. If you want to see without question, one of the best and most entertaining super action films of the blockbuster summer season, than I can highly recommend…Avengers: Infinity War.

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The storyline of the Avengers: Infinity War, is a fan favorite among comic book lovers and collectors alike. It is every fans dream storyline. This film is exciting, runs nearly every gamut of emotions, has great F/X, and features an all star cast! This is one of those films you just don’t talk about, but must see and experience for yourself. It’s what they call a ‘No Spoilers” movie, so too much information would ruin the fun. Everyone who knows their Marvel movies will immediately recognize each and every superhero brought to life from comic to the big screen. It’s safe to say that every single Marvel Universe superhero you can think of will come together to stand against Thanos. My personal favorite scenes in the film are those which surround “The Guardians of the Galaxy” crew. As with many superhero films there are scenes during and after the credits, so I suggest you stay to see these.

Remember Avengers: Infinity War is a two part movie, with the second film coming in May of 2019. lt’s said we’ll see even more superheroes! All in all there are some very good movies coming your way for this summer, and as they come along I will review some of them, however I believe that as far as superheroes go, Avengers: Infinity War is the best we’ll see all year. So, if you are a superhero film buff, I suggest you head to the theater, grab some snacks, and settle into your seat for a one of a kind superhero experience!

RANK: 8.5/10
Regista/Director: Joe Russo, Anthony Russo
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson
Usa 2018

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Posted in Action by Tony Northrup on May 1st, 2018 at %I:%M %p.

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