Through the Black Hole » JOHNNY KEVORKIAN – Interview


Written by Mariangela Celiberti


Johnny Kevorkian is the founder, together with Neil Murphy, of Lost Tribe Productions, by means of what he shooted THE DISAPPEARED, film first shown in Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival 2008 but that hasn’t appeared in Italy, yet. Juvenile violence, paedophilia and loved ones death are the (so present) main themes the film focuses on. You can read below about the film, directly from the words of its director.

In “The Disappeared” you speak out against the Catholic religion. Is that what you really think about the Church?
The film never actually speaks out against the Catholic religion. There is a suggestion that Mathew starts to question religion after his brother is missing, he could have been of any religion and still questioned it. So it’s really not against the Catholic religion.

Our difficult economic situation is making people move to the suburbs, as you describe in your film. What do you think of this?
It’s true. People are moving to less prosperous parts of society as a way of providing a roof over their heads, it is unfortunate but true in this current climate. It’s the same with the storyline of Amy where she mentions that she once lived in a nice neighbourhood but after a downturn her father moved to the council estate.

Can you tell us something about your experience of Italy at the Ravenna Nightmare Film festival?
I have been to Italy on numerous occasions but it was the first time I attended Ravenna. I really loved the place and the festival – I really like how focused it is and the organisers are great people. I also happen to be in a relationship at the moment with a beautiful Italian girl!

Which Italian (and non-Italian) directors has your art been influenced by?
Sergio Leone is one of my favourites, Once upon a time in America and the West are one of the greatest films ever made! Polanski is another favourite, Hitchcock, Kubrick were great. Modern day one’s being Michael Mann and David Fincher, all brilliant. All great influences on me.

In your movie you handle a very sensitive subject: bullying. What do you think of this kind of problem, which seems to be so common among teenagers?
It is a very sensitive subject and unfortunately one of life’s tragic incidents which still has not been resolved and it still goes on. I have experienced it as well as a child, being from a foreign country and growing as a foreigner

What are your plans for the future? Are you working on a new movie?
Yes I am, the title is Sleep Thief and it’s a psychological Thriller with haunting images throughout. Its about a man who looses the power to sleep and it begins to gradually kill him. After that I have a Sci Fi which I will make.

Why did you choose to direct a horror movie?
I didn’t chose to direct a horror, it chose me!

Which horror movies do you consider as masterpieces?
I love films like The Shining, Repulsion, The Birds, I love The Innocents and Vampyre also.

Posted in Cinema and Interviews by Mariangela Celiberti on December 8th, 2011 at %I:%M %p.

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