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RIVER’S EDGE – Tim Hunter

The 80′s hadplenty of teenage films, almost all were sex comedies and it didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure them out. With the exception of The Breakfast Club, there were very few “serious” or “serious subject” teen films. However, there was one that slipped under the radar. A dark themed film about murder, secrets, lower class America, and how dedicated friends can or can’t be. This film; River’s Edge, had all of that, but also included some powerful performances not just by it’s young cast, but by the legendary great actor; Dennis Hopper.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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The ‘Living Dead’ films started in 1968 with Night of the Living Dead, it’s 1970′s sequel; Dawn of the Dead was not a bad sequel & a very cool storyline (hell, I’d go to a mall too if all hell broke loose with zombie’s taking over). The third film; Day of the Dead, was not as successful box office wise & critic wise. Romero has said this is his favorite out of the series & the critics slammed it.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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TAKEN – Easy Peasy

This is an interesting tale about a young little boy riding his bicycle on a rainy/wet dirt road with woods all around him. We’re not quite sure where he’s going, but he’s in a hurry. We find his final destination at the mailbox to get his mail. And it’s back to the house he goes. However, there is someone … watching and following him.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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I’ve seen a lot of films in my day..a lot of films! and over that period of time, you see some real bad films…i mean, really bad! I use to think that howard the duck was the worst film of all time. then not too long ago, I saw the film, the stuff, which I labeled the worst film of all time for sure! well, my friends, all that has changed..big time! my wife sees this dvd on the discount shelf not too long ago and say’s, “oh i love that film!” so, i pick it up since i had never seen it and trust her on this…bad move on my part! i was unsure if i even wanted to do a review on this film, but dear friends, i have to tell you about the good films not to miss and that includes the bad ones you wanta miss! so, here is my review of one of the weirdest, worst, and just plain? huh? films I’ve ever seen!

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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Everyone who knows me, knows that I am one of the biggest 80′s fans out there. It was my time, my Generation, & oh, what fun we had! In the year 1981, it was an interesting time for films. JAWS and STAR WARS ruled the 70′s, and with EMPIRE STRIKES BACK taking over as the biggest film of 1980, the 80′s were off to a good start and it would only get better! In 1981, in the world of Horror films, there was basically one thing that ruled the box office: slasher films!

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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THE INSANE – David J. Ellison, Mark Cripps

What if every type of horror killer you’ve ever encountered were to suddenly overcome the world? All the different types; the Masked killer, the chainsaw swinging cannibal, the crazy homeless person, all types. What if you were the only one left to stop them all, what would you do? How would you kill them all? What are they and where do they come from? Most importantly: how do you get rid of the all? To find out, here’s a film for you.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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Gang, I’m about to break my # one rule of reviews. For the first time EVER, I am going to SPOIL the film for you. Yes, you heard it here first, this is a SPOILER review. Why, you may ask? To save you time & brain cells from wasting it on this terrible excuse of a horror film. I love horror films, everyone knows that. I’ll take the good, the bad, the classic, & even the cheese, but what I won’t take is a sorry excuse of a film that tries to pass itself off as a horror film & really turns out to be an hour & 40 minutes of wasted life…MINE! Here’s why…

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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THE PLAN – Matthew Kalish

This is a short film written and directed by Mathew Kalish. It is a black & white film (which I have always enjoyed, I feel B/W give films a whole new way of viewing it that color can’t capture) and the film stars Ryder Bach and Andrea M. Jensen.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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(Italiano) THE SHOCK LABYRINTH: EXTREME 3D – Takashi Shimizu

Ken ritorna nella sua città natale e trova gli amici di infanzia Motori e Rin, videolesa sin dalla nascita, ad accoglierlo. Completa l’album di famiglia Yuki, anche lei improvvisamente tornata in città. Yuki era stata data per dispersa da ormai dieci anni, quando aveva fatto ingresso nella casa degli orrori di Fuji-Q Highland - noto parco dei divertimenti realmente esistente -, e ne era stata fagocitata.

Posted December 8th, 2011.

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THROWAWAY – Dennis Widmyer & Brian James Fitzpatrick

Abby (played by Andra Carlson), takes a job as a home security operator, but it is during the graveyard shift. She works long & hard hours, only to come home and sleep all day. Well, she tries to anyway. She repeatedly get’s intrrupted by a noisey bum (played by Gill Gayle), who makes loud noises all day around a dumbster that is right by her window of her apartment.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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