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COLD BLOOD – Steve Looker

A young woman is passed out in a garage. After coming to, she sees a dead body on the floor near her. Scared, alone and trapped she tries to find a way out. She is suddenly aware that “someone” is being tortured next door. With the sounds of chainsaws and power tools of some kind, she realizes she MUST escape before she too is a victim of this unknown killer too.

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Posted December 9th, 2011.

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DEJA VU – Raifis Rodriguez

A young girl sits alone at home in her bedroom. Relaxing and enjoying her evening reading in bed. Caught up in her reading, there’s a sudden disturbance, the door to her bedroom suddenly slams shut! This startles the young girl and she investigates to how it could’ve closed on it’s own?

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Posted December 9th, 2011.

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HANNAH HOUSE – Chad e Max Smith

 Some time before, the woman who used to live there (Hannah) had hanged herself and her whole family died. What seemed only a sensation at the beginning, suddenly becomes real when Hannah comes back from Hell to turn their world upside-down. Hannah House is a very particular movie. It has been shot as a silent movie from the 20s and 30s, the time in which the story is set. There are black and white pictures, no dialogue and subtitles explaining to the spectator what he cannot hears.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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(Italiano) IL METODO ORFEO – Filippo Sozzi

Uno scrittore e una illustratrice si recano su un’isola del Mediterraneo per soggiornare in una villa di campagna dove, due anni prima, è avvenuto l’omicidio di sette persone. Non è la prima volta che questi artisti, per scrivere i loro romanzi, vanno a vivere in luoghi dove è accaduto qualche crimine efferato. Lo chiamano Il Metodo Orfeo, perché ricorda la vicenda dell’antico cantore greco, che scese negli inferi per riportare in vita Euridice.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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INSIDE – Trevor Sands

Inside is a short film directed by Trevor Sands. It begins with a young man by the name of Daniel who is being escourted down a long, gray hallway at a mental hospital. Sitting in a room across from a doctor, the room is full of actual people that represents the voices that are in Daniel’s head, his mutiple personalities. Each one different than the other, everything from a little girl to an over- sized psycho.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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As far back as I can remember, haunted house films have been a part of the horror genre for … ever! Films such as The House on Haunted Hill, The Haunting, Amityville Horror, Poltergeist and Paranormal Activity … to name a few. There is something about that “creaky door”, shadows on the wall, strange noises, all the usual igredients that make haunted house films what they are meant to be scary! However, this isn’t a “haunted house” per say, it is something “else” that is haunted. I had heard about this film when it came out and the hype about how it was the scariest film since The Exorcist. Well, for me, that is some pretty big shoes to fill. So, is it as scary as The Exorcist? Read my review and find out.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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(Italiano) JEKYLL/HIDE – Luca Ruocco

Un ragazzo ha la testa poggiata sul ventre di una donna con le labbra macchiate di sangue e la timbrica di voce che varia continuamente, ella lo spinge ad uccidere qualcuno. Una ragazza stacca minuziosamente frammenti di corteccia d’albero e, in un luogo fuori dal tempo, strane creature banchettano intorno a un tavolo. Ulteriore tassello incastonato dal team DoppioSenso Unico, insieme a Alma [Gotica] e Dracula, dipinto con la solita aria sognante cesellata da atomi di fiaba dark.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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KITCHEN SINK – Alison Maclean

One of the things I love about films is black & white. When a movie is filmed in black and white, there is just something about it that makes it have a whole different feel about it. Especially if it’s a horror film or suspense/thriller. The film KITCHEN SINK, is filmed this way and it works. It is about a woman who is cleaning her house. Floor, counter, dishes, and of course, the kitchen sink. As she is cleaning it, she discovers a hair. A black, stringy, nasty clump of hair. She doesn’t understand how or why it’s there, but it just is. She begins to pull on it and it keeps coming out more and more.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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PARADOX – Jeremy Haccoun

There is nothing I like better then a good story. However, more then that, a good story with a really good twist at the end and that’s just what you’ll get when you watch Paradox. Paradox is a Short Independent film written & directed by Jeremy Haccoun.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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I have spoken many times (especially this month), on all the different types of Horror films. One of the types I think I love the most is what I call; “It could really happen” catagory.

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Posted December 8th, 2011.

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