HER HAUNTED HEART is a ghost story that begins at the legendary Sazerac House, where aspiring artist Zelda Shaye and her family move to the town of Amteep, Idaho. Zelda is the last descendant to the Sazerac House.
The Sazerac House is full of ghosts, family history, secret passageways, creepy noises, secrets, and…a demon! When bumps in the night turn into nightmare fright, Zelda meets her handsome young next door neighbor, Tobe Friedkin. Tobe has taken a very keen interest in the Sazerac House and its mysterious history for a very long time. When the two neighbors put their minds together, they solve clue after clue that they hope will lead them to the answers they seek. As their relationship grows, they get help from some very unusual sources….alive and dead! However, the clock is ticking, and if Tobe can’t find the answers to the haunting’s of Sazerac House, Zelda just might be the last descendant…literally! For a creepy twist on romance I highly recommend you read…HER HAUNTED HEART.
Brooklyn Ann has a unique way of capturing the readers attention and making them want more. She has a vast knowledge of her home state of Idaho (which is where the B Mine series takes place), has an extensive knowledge of cars, 80s Pop Culture, music, and young love… which are all a part of this great new series of books. I found the characters to be both interesting and funny at times. I enjoyed how she paralleled the characters to that of a “Scooby Doo Gang” type of mystery solvers. The nods to 80s horror films, names and places, are definitely a treat for fans of the genre. The way Brooklyn Ann captures suburban family life also lends to a more realistic story. I will say that there are definitely some more explicit parts in the book that may not be appropriate for younger readers, so this book is probably more suited to an older teen on up.
HER HAUNTED HEART, as I say, is definitely a romance horror. I very much enjoyed the final two chapters, as they were frightening, and had a great build-up to the conclusion. Brooklyn Ann really knows how to paint a perfect picture in her stories, which makes you feel as though you’re actually right there. This is absolutely a fun read. HER HAUNTED HEART is intense, creepy, and romantic storytelling at its best, all with that youthful edge that only Brooklyn Ann can capture in her sought after series.
Tags: Brooklyn Ann, HER HAUNTED HEART - Brooklyn Ann