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Written by Tony Northrup

This film is very … mis-read. Ricci play’s Rae, a MAJOR sex-addict that is pure white trailer trash, living in the South, & is a wild child with NO remorse AT ALL of what she does or with whom. After a wild drunkin party, Rae is found beaten nearly to death and discovered by the side of the road by a Southern blues musician; Lazarus(played by Samual Jackson). He takes her in & to help her, but once he realizes her sex-addict illness, he chains her up so he can keep her there to redeem her to a normal life.

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BLANK – Justin Lee, Kevin Tam

Written by Tony Northrup

This is a very quick film but affective. It begins with two young Asian brothers in a back alley: the younger brother is weak and can’t take care of his problems, so the older brother steps in and takes care of it for him. In front of them is a man, tied and gagged. The older brother says he’ll have to handle his own problems on his own and pulls the trigger.

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BOYZ ‘N THE HOOD – John Singleton

Written by Tony Northrup

In California in the early 90′s, it was a very..different time. We had just gotten out of the ”Greed” Decade known as the 80′s and the trend’s & styles of that time were “so last decade”, but the new trends were still in limbo. The whole Grudge movement was just about to get blow us away, but there ws something else going on at that time.

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BURIED – Rodrigo Cortés

Written by Tony Northrup

Everybody knows how much I love what I do when it comes to writing and talking about films. However, once in awhile, a film comes along that takes me by surprise and I get very excited about it and can’t wait to tell somebody..anybody! This is one of those films. Most importantly, my wife is a little tougher about films than I am. She didn’t want to see this, but I told her those golden words, “Trust me”. And well, she’s glad she did. Another thing I love about telling you about this film is, it wasn’t a big blockbuster. Wasn’t a sequel, a remake, or a disappointment.

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Written by Tony Northrup

This short film has an interesting story to it. It is about a young teenager who walks past a playground one day by himself. When he does, he hears strange voices, laughter, and there’s nothing there. One day, he walks by and he see’s a man and woman playing and swinging having a fun time. The man get’s angry at the woman and pick’s up an ax from where he has hidden it and kill’s the woman. The young teenager is shocked and frightened of the sight of this. He runs home to forget what he saw. Later, curiousity get’s the best of him and he goes back, this time it’s see’s a man burying a dead woman. He run’s away back home. He goes again, a group of mean guys are beating up on what appears as a gay man and then kill’s him.

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CLEAN – Alexander Michaud

Written by Giulio De Gaetano

Splatter, soft-core and heavy metal are the explosive mixture injected by Alexander Michaud to slide over the sixty minutes of Clean. For some points of view it’s an amateur work, from other it’s mature. At the first group belong photography (not always well-defined) and editing (unsure and unfortunate in breaks), while the direction moves well through close-up, details and rapid movements incrementing tension involving audience to feel like a voyeuristic eye beside a wall.

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COLD BLOOD – Steve Looker

Written by Tony Northrup

A young woman is passed out in a garage. After coming to, she sees a dead body on the floor near her. Scared, alone and trapped she tries to find a way out. She is suddenly aware that “someone” is being tortured next door. With the sounds of chainsaws and power tools of some kind, she realizes she MUST escape before she too is a victim of this unknown killer too.

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DEJA VU – Raifis Rodriguez

Written by Tony Northrup

A young girl sits alone at home in her bedroom. Relaxing and enjoying her evening reading in bed. Caught up in her reading, there’s a sudden disturbance, the door to her bedroom suddenly slams shut! This startles the young girl and she investigates to how it could’ve closed on it’s own?

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HANNAH HOUSE – Chad e Max Smith

Written by Mariangela Celiberti

 Some time before, the woman who used to live there (Hannah) had hanged herself and her whole family died. What seemed only a sensation at the beginning, suddenly becomes real when Hannah comes back from Hell to turn their world upside-down. Hannah House is a very particular movie. It has been shot as a silent movie from the 20s and 30s, the time in which the story is set. There are black and white pictures, no dialogue and subtitles explaining to the spectator what he cannot hears.

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(Italiano) IL METODO ORFEO – Filippo Sozzi

Written by Luca Ruocco

Uno scrittore e una illustratrice si recano su un’isola del Mediterraneo per soggiornare in una villa di campagna dove, due anni prima, è avvenuto l’omicidio di sette persone. Non è la prima volta che questi artisti, per scrivere i loro romanzi, vanno a vivere in luoghi dove è accaduto qualche crimine efferato. Lo chiamano Il Metodo Orfeo, perché ricorda la vicenda dell’antico cantore greco, che scese negli inferi per riportare in vita Euridice.

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