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THE INTERVIEW – Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg

It’s hard for me to write about anything when it is surrounded by so much hype, even if the hype has nothing to do with the quality of the film. I find writing about The Interview additionally complicated because comedy is not my bag, not to say I don’t enjoy comedy but I love me some horror, guts and gore. Mysteriously a copy of this unreleased film fell into my lap from anonymous movie executives who wanted the best film critic in the world to look over their film I found it hard to pass up on the opportunity. I wont say if I got this from friends in CIA or NSA or are who at Sony… or TPB…

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Posted January 10th, 2015.

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SCUMBAG HUSTLER – Sean Weathers, Aswad Issa

Film should really be considered by its entire experience, by this I mean first how the film was marketed to you. Did a friend tell you about it or did you see the movie poster and say “I want to see that!” Then there is the how you saw it, did you watch it on your ipad (shame on you if you did) or did you see it in a downtown theater with a leaky roof? And finally there is the film as the core experience of seeing the movie.

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Posted September 22nd, 2014.

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YOU CAN’T KILL STEPHEN KING – Ronnie Khalil, Monroe Mann, Jorge Valdés-Iga

I have said before that I enjoy all forms of films. It is also nice to take a break from the big budget films at the theater and see something a little more..lower budget. This would fall under the Independent films category. As a full supporter of the Stephen King program “Dollar Baby” films, I enjoy the smaller films for entertainment and quality of storytelling, However, my latest review is not a “Dollar Baby”, but it is Independent and it is Stephen King related….related in a way you won’t believe! So, here is my review of You can’t kill Stephen King

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Posted September 16th, 2013.

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When I grew up in the 1980′s, I was raised on the “John Hughes’ Generation” of teenage films. Films like Sixteen Candles, ‘The Breakfast Club, Weird Science and Pretty in Pink. At times, it actually helped survive high school. Although I don’t think there is just one secret to that part of growing up, but sometimes films help.

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Posted March 27th, 2013.

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BERNIE – Richard Linklater

Every now and then, I like to take a break from the blockbusters and mainstream of movies and stop to watch the “little” films for a change. It’s been awhile, but thanks to a reliable recommendation, I had heard this film was worth my time.

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Posted October 27th, 2012.

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THE DESCENDANTS – Alexander Payne

I had only heard about this film when I was watching the Oscar’s this year and it had received many nominations. From the film clips I saw, I knew it would be worth my time just for the fact it was nominated for an Oscar.This film is what they call a “Dramady” (a drama with light comedy to ease the story along). It is an extremely well done film by director Alexander Payne. With a strong cast and serious storylines, The Descendents lived up to its Oscar nominations.

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Posted July 22nd, 2012.

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