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Well, we’re at the final stretch of the Summer Blockbuster Schedule and it has been quite the year! With Superhero films, sequels, comedies, and family films – it looks like Summer 2012 was a huge success! However, we’re not quite done just yet. One thing every year has and that is, sequels!

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Posted August 18th, 2012.

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RAMPART – Oren Moverman

This is a film that goes back to the hardcore cop films of the 80′s and mostly 90′s. It is raw, hard-core, and very violent. The story takes place in 1999, when the Rampart Division was under major criticism. Woody Harrelson plays David “Date Rape” Brown, an old school, racists, violent, womanizing veteran officer who defends himself against his actions as a tough officer of the law.

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Posted June 3rd, 2012.

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TAKEN – Pierre Morel

Taken is an action-packed film that doesn’t hold back. It is a rollercoaster ride through the streets of Paris and doesn’t catch its breath till the very end. The story begins state-side with Bryan Mills (played by Liam Neeson), who is a retired CIA Agent who is divorced and on his own. He has a 17 year old daughter named, Kim (played by Maggie Grace), who has one dream: to go to Paris with her best friend, Amanda (played by Katie Cassidy).

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Posted May 13th, 2012.

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